Power Necklaces
Owning and experiencing your power is your ability to connect to the Universal Energy Source and to move, like a surfer, on and with the wave of energy. You are born with many abilities, though unfortunately most people are not aware of the menu of tools you are given and so do not know how to acknowledge or use your innate abilities. You can choose to own your personal power to create the kind of life you wish to have. Certain stones aid you in aligning your personal energy to the greater source of all.
Power stones used in jewelry often are: Quartz, Lodolite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Agates, Jasper, & Rutilated Quartz.
The Entrepreneur’s Dream: Passion & Success Garnet is the essence of the energies of fire, passion, creativity, and strength. It enhances relationships on many levels and deflects negative energy back to its origins. It aligns you with the true energy...
Money & Success drawn to you Dendritic Quartz pulls money, success and growth towards you. It absorbs energy from around you and pulls it to you to use to create your dreams. Great for improving your skills or growing a...
Flowing Power Super Charged: A Business Must Pearls give you easy flow. Double Terminated Quartz Crystals both charge & release energy so it gives you power and balance, protection and success. Pearls, Quartz Rondelles, Double Terminated Crystals, Swarovski Crystal, Sterling...
Flowing Power: A Business Must Pearls give you flow, creativity and the power of the sea, the Goddess and your feminine power. Quartz Crystal rondelles charge to high energy vibration. Pearls, Quartz Crystal Rondelles, Sterling Stardust Beads, Swarovski Crystal, Sterling...
Flowing Power: A Business Must Pearls give you flow, creativity and the power of the sea, the Goddess and your feminine power. Quartz Crystal Rondelles charge this you with high energy. The perfect necklace for when you go into the...
Power of Creation Quartz energizes you and holds the energy, Pearls give you flow, Obsidian Rounds ground you. Quartz Crystal Focal Stone, Large Heishi Pearls, Obsidian Rounds, Seed Beads, Egyptian Crystal, Swarovski Crystal, Sterling Stardust Beads, Sterling Clasp. CMS+ Length...