May: The Second Love Month When Nature Pops

May: The Second Love Month When Nature Pops

"In the marvelous month of May 

when all the buds were bursting,

then in my heart did 
love arise.

                    -  Henirich Heine

May is what I often call the “second love month” when the heavy clothes of winter are cast off and your blood quickens.

May is a body love month. Love your body, love yourself, and share the love.

Green Phantom Quartz 

In May I like to wear the stones of healing and of love. Green Phantom Quartz is one of the strongest healing stones that can shift your body, mind and spirit.


I also like to wear the cosmic rose/pink stone of rhodochrosite which spiritual leaders say vibrates to the sound of aum. Rhodochrosite can be banded like this stone or have a pure pink or rosey color.

Bracelet B07


Morganite is the highest love vibration of the semi-precious stones. It can be seen as light colored almost clear stones to a light pink color. Here are two examples of Morganite, as clearish stone earrings and as pink chunks in a necklace. Pink chunks I placed into a necklace and clear Morganite I placed into earrings. 

Morganite is a powerful love stone---a mineral in the Beryl Family. It is light almost clear to pinkish colors.

Morganite attunes you to your heart and clears stuck emotions, old traumas, stress, old wounds and lightens your spirit. Emerald and Aquamarine are also in the Beryl family.

These earrings are mineral Morganite stones drilled for jewelry.

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon pink tourmaline and green tourmaline are the stones of sensual eroticism. Pink Tourmaline has that softer gentle love vibration. 

"In springtime, love is carried on the breeze.  Watch out for flying passion or kisses whizzing by your head."
-  Emma Racine de Fleur   

Experience universal love when wearing or working with Pink Tourmaline.

Pink Tourmaline is also known for facilitating emotional healing, especially dealing with emotional relationships. Pink Tourmaline helps you to gain the courage to overcome abusive relationships and negative work situations. It helps you to recognize how and why these issues came to be in your life and how to break free of these situations.

                                                                This is one of my Love Necklaces:  Love L31

Clear Powerful Quartz 

The Tibetan Quartz Spear in this necklace is chlorite green quartz, however the rest of the quartz is beautiful clear Quartz Merkabahs and Quartz beads. This is a healing necklace. Clear Quartz empowers whatever it is next to--it amplifies energy. 

Rose Quartz

Madagascar Rose Quartz is a type of Rose Quartz that has an inner gleam that radiates the light beautifully. It is a wondrous stone to work with cause you can see and feel the light!   For me Morganite will always be the strongest and most powerful of the love stones. Morganite does have the highest vibration of all of the love stones.
In Springtime I often like to wear a more gentle healing stone that can help take me out of the dark winter doldrums into the “spring forth” high excitement of coming out of the winter closet into love of nature and all that surrounds me. It is the first welcome to the great outdoors.
So I like to wear stones that have an essence of both love and green: Green Phantom Quartz, Watermelon pink tourmaline, Green Tourmaline and Rhodochrosite. For me, April and May are often travel months when I can re-commune with nature.
                       The rose in this necklace is made with Rose Quartz, a love stone.
Sometimes I make a trek to Sedona to Creek State park. In the far end of the park past the water mill, as you walk along the creek, you usually will find many stones that visitors have stacked up to express their spirit. Sedona and Bryce park in Utah are parks in the West that can fill your eyes with beautiful views, feed your soul with the wonderment of nature and shift your Higher Self as you walk through the vortexes.
Or just simply go for a walk and hug a tree that has either bright green leaves or luscious pink or purple flowers. May is a great month to energize yourself in nature.


If you should ever wish to look at something more deeply in your life or relationships I am always available for intuitive readings.

Readings By Levanah  310-395-1170 

Need information or a tune up or just want to get some feedback about your energy, a relationship, your career, your health or a situation in your life?

Special Reasonable Rates for Readings or Healings by phone or SKYPE: $65 an hour. Call 310-395-1170.

Or contact Levanah at

Levanah has taught thousands of students how to read the aura to show people how to release restrictions and energy that prevents you from attaining your highest goals and attaining a higher level of bliss and joy in your daily life. She has a track record of doing Clairvoyant and Psychic Readings and Healings since 1978 and sharing her wisdom and skills to enable people to find their best in their lives. Her Readings direct you to the immediate cause of a situation and how to release or change to create the best you. Experience the wonderment of connecting with your true self and enabling yourself to choose life as you wish to have it.

Want to learn how to evolve yourself: to meditate, release stress or how to read an aura? For information about online and in person classes: 

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