JUNE: Living In The Power Of The Sun

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer."
— F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
If you live anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere then June is the special sparkling month when we enter into the height of the summer sun’s power.
For me June is the month of the height of Midsummer, the Summer Solstice, when the sun is at it’s strongest. It is the creative time of Mother Earth, a time for sun and fun and storing up exciting adventures to be had. It is a time of colorful flowers, seeds to plant and passionate spirit to express in delightful ways.
And of course the summertime is the days of sex, love, creativity, high energy, good luck, wishes and perpetual inspiration.
Summer time is the season of light when we raise our energies and store up our energy to create our dreams and strengthen our bodies. Summer Solstice falls on June 20th this year however the exact date is according to where you live. (You can Google it )
Summer is when you get in touch with the fire within you—the sun that sparks the fire of your soul. As the wheel of the season turns so you too turn towards the sun and the light of inspiration in the summer weeks.
Knowing all of this and getting in touch with it then suggests we wear and hold the stones and gems of the fire of the sun. Thus there is Sunstone, Ruby, Garnet, Agate, Red Japer and Orange Kyanite. And also the stones that sparkle and glow, such as pyrite or enhanced golden agates and those stones that have the summer green of nature, such as Peridot, Moss Agate and Green Aventurine.
Golden Sun Colored Stones
Stones that sparkle or have gold or appear golden also represent the sun. They are the stones of the summer season colors: Gold, Sun sparkled, Orange, Deep Red, Yellow and Green.
This is Asian Gold Lined Quartz Crystal and it is a high energy stone bead I just love to use in necklaces.
Yellow Aventurine
Self Control, guides you to making wise decisions.
Gold Plated Enhanced Pyrite
Grounding, Abundance, Manifesting, Bringing it down to earth.
Red Jasper
Red Jasper is great for protection, stability and increases your motivation and energy level. Red Jasper inspires you to take action. It is a strong Root Chakra (First Chakra) stone that helps you to connect to the earth to manifest your desires.
Pink/Red Tourmaline
Fire of the sun gives you the passion of the season. Tourmaline is known as an Aphrodisiac.
And Red Tourmaline adds even more of the passion of the season.
Red Tourmaline balances both the spiritual and physical body. It stabilizes you so you feel secure and so you feel that you have a sense of your own power,
Stones & Beads That Sparkle In The Sunlight
Agates ground you so you can bring everything down to earth---we call that manifesting.
A Root Chakra (First base chakra that governs survival) stone. This stone is enhanced to sparkle. Swarovski Crystal is a glass crystal and it can hold an energy charge.
The Beautiful Sunstone
I really love Sunstone as it is a stone of personal power, independence, freedom and the path to leadership, Sunstone is the birth stone for those born at the end of the summer, August 22nd to September 22nd. It sparkles as if it holds the sun so you can feel the energy of it easily when you hold it in your hand.
Orange Kyanite
Orange Kyanite is a stone that is golden orange or orange brown color/ It is fairly new stone found in Tanzania and is known for it’s creative joy like nature and is great for artists, writers, and musicians. Orange Kyanite is still pretty rare and is great for enhancing your creativity, sexuality and clairsentience. This is perfect summer energy.
SEE AHH29 Healing Necklace for a perfect example of high quality Orange Kyanite.
Well we have covered the golds & reds, and orange stones however since it is summer we should cover some of the green stones too,
In the summer the green of nature energizes you.
Living In The Green Season
I"m one of those people who loves the smell of grass and the warm sun on my skin. The summer is truly the green season.
Most summer stones are First Chakra stones that create grounding, a connection with the green fertile earth, and so enhance wealth and strengthen your physical body.
I like sunstones and red tourmaline but I also am partial to the green stones. When I do a good combo in a necklace it includes all of the stones that balance, ground and enhance your well being.
"It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside." ― Maud Hart Lovelace,
Moss Agate
Moss Agate is not really an Agate. It is chalcedony, a quartz mineral stone. Moss Agate is a stone for gardners and is used for crop or plant growth. It is also a stone used for gaining prosperity in all manner of forms. Moss Agate is also a stone of new beginnings and is used by midwives to reduce pain and assist in the delivery. The Summer Solstce is the time of the Great Mother, always represented as the full pregnant summer goddess so Moss Agate is truly aligned with this time of the year.
Green Aventurine
I love summer, I guess since I was born in August it is my season. There is a gentle yet strong force for reawakening, expressing your inside in an outward manner and just plain permission to feel joy and play in the sun. The Midsummer, this time of the year, is a celebration of the feminine force of nature. It is a good time to reinforce your creative juices and to celebrate the woman within too.
All of these photos are stones and beads from my collection.
A Summer Ritual For You
A RITUAL for Blessing Yourself and Your Life And Everyone On The Planet
Gather some flowers that are orange and yellow and braid a small wreath you can place on your head. If possible go outside on a sunny day or the eve of Midsummer. Take a deep breath, spread your feet a little and ground yourself. Face the north, And raise up your arms up high and…
Say, “I am a child of the Universe. I am a child of the light. I am a child born in love and that love radiates from me. As the sun fills me with light I celebrate the height of it’s power. I call on (whomever is your version of the Oneness) to be with me here at this auspicious time when it is the height of the light of the sun and give thankfulness for all good that has come my way.
I thank all of my ancestors who have come before me to create the blessings of light in the world I live in. I thank all good and great spirits who share the light of this world with me and mine. I thank all who have helped me come to where I am now so that I may celebrate this season of love and joy, discovery and growth.
I thank the wee fairy beings who help the land to grow and the plants and all nature to be well. I thank ( the god of your tradition whatever that may be) for blessing me.”
Raise your arms straight out perpendicular from your body and spin around clockwise spinning the light of the divine to cover the world, so it may bring joy and love, peace and harmony to our world.
(Spin 3 or 9 times—it is okay if you get a little dizzy and do your best to visualize that you are stirring and sending the light of the sun to spread it’s high pure energy to each and every part of the earth to lighten all of the dark corners)
Finish facing the north
“May the sun of prosperity fill the hearts and minds of all on our Mother Earth.
Blessings Be to All.”
Take a deep breath down into your belly.