November: The Month of Giving Thanks

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” — Thornton Wilder
Fall Harvest, Pumpkins, Cooling Temperatures and soon Thanksgiving make this a holiday month and a time for family gatherings and seeing old friends and reunions.
This starts the season of what we energy workers call “seeking your inner wisdom.” This the season when it is colder and darker earlier and so it is the time to look within. Within you is a store of wisdom that you can touch if you meditate or just learn some basic skills that put you in touch with your inner sight. When you are sitting in front of your fireplace or heater on a dark cold night before you turn to alcoholic hot toddy first take a moment or two or three to touch your inner side, and learn to say hello and seek your own inner wisdom. If you do not know how to do that check out our Clearsight Evolving skills at
Stones That Empower You
So I like to wear stones that are powerful for helping me to touch my inner soul like the Native American healing stones in AHH64. These kinds of ancient healing stones connect you to your essential self, ground you to the spirit of the earth which enables you to place your ideas into action (which on earthly level we call creating your success). These kinds of powerful stones empower you. I love beautiful necklaces however I am always conscious of finding the powerful stones that help you to connect you to your true self and do my best to add them in to my necklaces in a way that gives you the power to live up to your true purpose in this life. This is why I like to call my necklaces Beauty & Purpose. On a difficult day you can take the necklace off and hold this power stone in your palm, breathe deep, meditate and ask your Higher Self to aid you in your mortal quest. In my travels I always keep an eye out for these power stones that can truly enhance your life and add beauty to your appearance too. The Lodolite Quartz Crystal longer stones put you in touch with your inner wisdom which is what the season of late Fall in November is really all about.
Fab Fashion With Black & White Healing Stones
Black and White Fashion: Black Tourmaline, and Crystal hit the fashion spot at this time of the year. Black Tourmaline is a powerful healing stone and crystal energizes and feeds the healing power. AHH98
Shungite is a strong healing stone & Scenic Jasper heals you and gives you a sense of security, raises your physical stamina, raises your endurance & life force energy and nurtures you. A Beauty & Purpose Necklace. AHH101. The Scenic Jasper really hits the fab fashion spot.
Shungite The Asian Version of Jet: A Powerful Healing Stone
Shungite is the Chinese version of jet, a stone often used by European Energy workers for centuries. Jet is considered the compacted wood or coal debris over centuries to be petrified into what people sometimes call "black amber." It is believed that jet can dispel negative energy and connect you to your true inner source awareness.
For bright holiday colors and spirit I like to wear Bloodstone. Bloodstone purifies your blood, strengthens your immune system, heals & regenerates much of your physical cells and tissues and generally boosts your entire system.
Bloodstone: An All Purpose Healer
Bloodstone is especially good for healing wounds. Multi color Tourmaline is also a wonderful stone that helps to release hidden or stored emotions. As we move through the end of the year we want to take stock of what we love and what we are ready to release or let go of. Tourmaline is one of those stones that helps you to release and clean out the old or stuck emotions so you can move on to a brighter more joyous place. When we are in the “family” season it brings up many old memories, some joyous and some old hurts.
The time of giving thanks is a very special time for us....a time when we learn to look at what we have instead of constantly striving for what we want. It is also a time of sharing those thanks with others...a very precious time.
T hanks for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that about.
That spells THANKS for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.
- Aileen Fisher, All in a Word
Readings by Levanah
Need information or a tune up or just want to get some feedback about your energy, a relationship, your career, your health or a situation in your life?
Special Holiday Rates for Readings or Healings by phone or SKYPE: $65 an hour. Call 310-457-8148.
Or contact Levanah at
Levanah has taught thousands of students how to read the aura to show people how to release restrictions and energy that prevents you from attaining your highest goals and attaining a higher level of bliss and joy in your daily life. She has a track record of doing Clairvoyant and Psychic Readings and Healings since 1978 and sharing her wisdom and skills to enable people to find their best in their lives. Her Readings direct you to the immediate cause of a situation and how to release or change to create the best you. Experience the wonderment of connecting with your true self and enabling yourself to choose life as you wish to have it.
Want to learn how to meditate or how to read an aura? For information about online and in person classes: