September: The Fall Harvest Season

"By all these lovely tokens
September days are here
With summer's best of weather
And autumn's best of cheer."
For me this has always been the Second Harvest season. Even though it is the gateway to the Fall Season often it is what is called “Indian Summer’ cause it can be hot and dry and summerlike.
Fall Harvest is often the colors of squash and wheat sheaves and light orange colors. So for stones that represent the season I often choose green for growth and healing, orange for new communication since at this time many people go back to school or get more involved with their work or shift to what I call an action time awareness.
Green Phantom Quartz: An Incredible Healing Stone
For green I choose Green Phantom Quartz, one of the most powerful healers.
Carnelian: A Great Communication Stone
And for orange I like Carnelian AHH61 which calms your temper, boosts your energy and protects you from bad vibrations.
African Amber & Chrysocolla
There is also African Amber which is a softer harvest color. This necklace is with Chrysocolla which is a very fantastic healing stone that releases, anxiety, fear and guilt and healers tell me that if you have a pain you take off the necklace and hold the chrysocolla stone against the area where the pain is located and it is supposed to ease the pain. Amber keeps you warm in winter, increases your vitality by connecting you to your essential wellness and creates an uplifting feeling. Amber releases the negative that you feel or that comes towards you. African Amber is usually honey colored or a slight deeper orange as seen in AHH91. (this is a big powerful necklace that makes you own your power and presence when you wear it.) *the blue is the Chrysocolla—not turquoise—as many people when they see this bright blue think of American turquoise.. This is however Chrysocolla. AHH91
Going Through A Change?
Need information? Spiritual information can often help you to understand your motivations, reactions and how to use your talents and passions to create the kind of life you want to have.
Readings by LevanahNeed information or a tune up or just want to get some feedback about your energy, a relationship, your career, your health or a situation in your life?
Special Fall Harvest Rates for Readings or Healings by phone or SKYPE: $65 an hour. Call 310-457-8148.
Or contact Levanah at
Levanah has taught thousands of students how to read the aura to show people how to release restrictions and energy that prevents you from attaining your highest goals and attaining a higher level of bliss and joy in your daily life. She has a track record of doing Clairvoyant and Psychic Readings and Healings since 1978 and sharing her wisdom and skills to enable people to find their best in their lives. Her Readings direct you to the immediate cause of a situation and how to release or change to create the best you. Experience the wonderment of connecting with your true self and enabling yourself to choose life as you wish to have it.
Want to learn how to meditate or how to read an aura? For information about online and in person classes: